Friday, July 17, 2009

Tall Blondes makin circles

July 16, 2009 Silbury Hill, Wiltshire County, England - Three days after the “Quetzalcoatl Headdress” appeared across the Roman Road from ancient Silbury Hill, a website called The Truth Hides printed a peculiar news item on Wednesday, July 8, 2009, allegedly from a Wiltshire police officer's phone tip.

July 8, 2009, The Truth Hides:

A police sergeant contact, who doesn’t want to be named, was driving past Silbury Hill early Monday morning (July 6, 2009) when he saw three figures in the formation there. At first he thought they were forensic officers as they were dressed in white coveralls. He stopped his car and approached the field.

The figures were all over 6 feet and had blonde hair. They seemed to be inspecting the crop. When he got to the edge of the field, he heard what he believed to be a sound not dissimilar to static electricity. This crackling noise seemed to be running through the field and the crop was moving gently close to where the noise was moving. He felt the hair on his arms and back of his neck raise up. He shouted to the figures who at first ignored him, not glancing at him. When he tried to enter the field they looked up and began running. He said “They ran faster than any man I have ever seen. I’m no slouch, but they were moving so fast. I looked away for a second and when I looked back they were gone. I then got scared. The noise was still around, but I got an uneasy feeling and headed for the car. For the rest of the day I had a pounding headache I couldn’t shift.”

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